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Here you can find the schedule for the Philadelphia City Council meetings as well as instructions on how to sign up to speak. You can watch meetings live here. 


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One of the founding tenets of The Philadelphia Citizen is to get people the resources they need to become better, more engaged citizens of their city.

We hope to do that in our Good Citizenship Toolkit, which includes a host of ways to get involved in Philadelphia—whether you want to contact your City Councilmember to voice your concerns about public safety, get those experiencing homelessness the goods they need, or simply go out to dinner somewhere where you know your money is going toward a greater good.

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What does the geographic breakdown of poll results tell us?

The nonprofit organization A Greater Philadelphia conducted a poll in February of 800 Philly Democrats to focus their efforts toward higher expectations, more effective leadership, and better governance on the issues that matter most.

When broken down by geography, people living in South Philadelphia, when compared to the rest of the city, were most dissatisfied. Residents responded with: 

  • The highest disapproval of City Council at 53%
  • The most overwhelming opposition to councilmanic prerogative at 80%
  • The least satisfaction with the quality of schools, with 64% unsatisfied
  • The highest concern about public safety than all but Northeast Philadelphia at 41% (versus 51% for Northeast residents)
  • The most certainty that Philadelphia is headed in the wrong direction at 59%
How Philly Sees Philly

The Angriest Neighborhood of All

The latest polling data from A Greater Philadelphia showed dissatisfaction is high among city residents. Guess who's most unhappy?

How Philly Sees Philly

The Angriest Neighborhood of All

The latest polling data from A Greater Philadelphia showed dissatisfaction is high among city residents. Guess who's most unhappy?

It’s probably no surprise to you to learn that Philadelphians are not super high on Philadelphia these days. In fact, according to the newest data released from A Greater Philadelphia, 55 percent of Democrats surveyed think the city is going in the wrong direction.

The most highly dissatisfied region of the city is one you also might expect: South Philly. Fifty-nine percent of Democrats surveyed in five zip codes in that region said the city is on the wrong track. Specifically, they are unhappy with City Council, councilmanic prerogative, schools and public safety. And they are not alone.

The data stems from a survey conducted in February by nationally recognized pollsters McLaughlin & Associates and Frederick Polls, as part of civic nonprofit A Greater Philadelphia’s fact-finding mission to inform their goal of building a citywide movement in support of higher expectations, more effective leadership and better governance.

The Citizen is partnering with A Greater Philadelphia to publish the results of the poll.  See the first four analyses, about public safety and City Council, here; another on school choice here; one on the soda tax here, and another on councilmanic prerogative, here.

Poll analysis and results from A Greater Philadelphia

Among registered Democrats in the city, those living in South Philadelphia are the most dissatisfied with City Council, the most eager to end the practice of councilmanic prerogative, and the most dissatisfied with their neighborhood schools. They also are more likely to be concerned about crime and to say Philadelphia is on the wrong track than in all but one other region: the Northeast.

Even before Kenyatta Johnson’s mistrial, Philadelphians wanted to eliminate councilmanic prerogative, the practice whereby the rest of City Council defers to individual members for approval of construction projects within their districts.

Especially in South Philly, which is home to Johnson’s 2nd District. His trial in part focused on the ways Council exercises political control over development projects. The case ended in a mistrial, with jurors deadlocked and prosecutors vowing to retry.

Dissatisfaction with schools is especially high in South Philly.

The poll, conducted in February, was among registered Democrats. The area considered “South” consists of zip codes 19145, 19146, 19148, 19112 and the southernmost sliver of 19147.

Poll conducted on behalf of A Greater Philadelphia Feb. 14-17, 2022, among 800 registered Democratic voters by McLaughlin & Associates and Frederick Polls. Results are +/- 3.4% at a 95% confidence interval.


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Guess What’s to Blame for Keeping Washington Avenue Unsafe?

What the Fight Over the Columbus Statue Is Really About

Mystery Shopper: How hard is it to get rid of illegal dumpsters?


The statue before it was boxed up. | Photo by nick-Philly / Wikimedia Commons

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