The Fix

What Is Corruption, Anyway?

The fallout from last week’s musings about the sheriff and a litany of ex-con officials who are back on the public payroll raises a lot of questions: What is illegal, and what’s just … kinda gross?

By Larry Platt
The Fix

Has Our Corruption Gotten Worse?

Mayor Parker’s Clean and Green initiative is a great slogan and even a potential game changer. But what about cleaning up local government?

By Larry Platt

Raging Against the Machine

Local progressives are taking aim at Bob Brady and the Democratic machine. Is that the conversation they should be having or does this week's Free Library visit from Bill Clinton suggest another way?

By Larry Platt

Say It Ain’t So, Bob

Senator Casey’s desperate attempt to keep his seat and his silence while supporters mimicked Trump-like rationale was not a good look

By Larry Platt

WTF Just Happened?

The fall of progressivism. The rise of Joe Rogan. The score-settling of Bob Brady. The philosophy of Marcus Aurelius…trying to make sense of Tuesday’s Great Realignment

By Larry Platt

What Our Best Candidates Had in Common This Election Season

They were all outsiders, third partiers, or even surrogates like Mark Cuban. Are establishment candidates so paralyzed by fear they’ve become mannequins?

By Larry Platt
Ideas We Should Steal Festival 2024

Harold Washington’s Promise

Join former Mayors Nutter and Atlanta’s Kasim Reed with New Yorker writer, scholar and activist Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor for the screening of a story that speaks to the future of cities — and that inspired a young Barack Obama

By Larry Platt

Jewish Stereotyping Comes to … Hymie’s?

While some talk of boycotting the Main Line Jewish deli that is the setting of a new Trump ad, the real question ought to be: Does the commercial perpetuate cringeworthy Jewish caricature?

By Larry Platt
The Citizen Recommends

The Honey Bash for Aneurysm Research Gala

Something went haywire in my brain, but I was one of the lucky ones. Join me for a celebration of those on the frontlines of research into the obscure killer that almost took me out — including the LeBron James of aneurysm fixes at Penn

By Larry Platt

Mr. Bashaw Goes to Washington?

In this week’s New Jersey U.S. Senate race debate, did the Republican candidate — pro-choice, pro growth, gay hotelier Curtis Bashaw — offer a glimpse of what a return to reasonableness might look like, post-Trumpism?

By Larry Platt