Topic: Reality Check

Let’s Rethink Our School Board
Without pay or accountability to citizens, this WURD host wonders, how can we really expect school board members to solve what ails the struggling system?
By Charles D. Ellison
Not All Speed Cameras Are Created Equal
The City installed speed cameras along a deadly stretch of Roosevelt Boulevard this week. Is it Black and Brown Philadelphians, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, who will pay for them?
By Charles D. EllisonReality Check with Brooke Davis Anderson
Charles sat down with the Director of Museum Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts to discuss PAFA leading the country in acquiring works of art by women, and being among the best at acquiring works by African American artists—an effort towards making the museum better reflect the city and world it is a part of.
By Charles D. Ellison
Just Another Day in Philly
Low turnout, broken machine politics, an invisible mayor and other unimpressive takeaways from the city’s general election
By Charles D. Ellison
A Winnable Gun Debate
A ban on “battlefield weapons” could keep casualties from mass shootings down. That, WURD’s afternoon host contends, should be the sole message from gun control advocates
By Charles D. Ellison
Why are We Surprised by Unchecked Gun Violence?
Most homicide victims are black, from black neighborhoods the City has long ignored. WURD’s afternoon host has some ideas to change that
By Charles D. Ellison
Who Matters More?
Residents near the PES refinery have suffered from poor health for years. So why, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, is everyone only talking about jobs?
By Charles D. Ellison
Philadelphia’s Really Bad Gas Problem
The PES refinery fire, WURD’s afternoon host argues, proves our embrace of gas plants doesn’t square with Mayor Kenney’s green rhetoric
By Charles D. Ellison
What “zero carbon”?
SEPTA is set to open a new natural gas plant in North Philly. How, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, does Mayor Kenney justify that?
By Charles D. Ellison
Get Off The Road
Philly’s traffic woes are holding us back. So why, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, did no one talk about it in the campaign?
By Charles D. Ellison