Do Something

Chat With Ali Velshi

On April 14th at 5:30pm, join Ali Velshi and Philadelphia Citizen Co-founder Larry Platt for a conversation about what it’s like to be a TV journalist in these chaotic times of illness, political distrust and—oh, yeah—political campaigning.

This will be a virtual town hall on Crowdcast.

RSVP here.

And, see our other upcoming virtual events here.



See Ali Velshi at Ideas We Should Steal Festival

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“Why Not Do It Right?”

In a clip from his show, MSNBC host and Citizen board member Ali Velshi calls on America to control how the Covid-19 crisis defines us. Chat with him in real time at the Citizen Virtual Town Hall next week

“Why Not Do It Right?”

In a clip from his show, MSNBC host and Citizen board member Ali Velshi calls on America to control how the Covid-19 crisis defines us. Chat with him in real time at the Citizen Virtual Town Hall next week

Turn on cable news nowadays and it often feels like all breathlessness, all the time. There’s rampant fear and panic, not to mention—depending on which channel you land upon—anger at a certain orange-haired, would-be leader.

Do Something

Chat With Ali Velshi

But there’s one on-air personality who, in the run-up to Congress’ historic $2.2 trillion relief package, eschewed all that.

Ali Velshi, MSNBC host and Citizen board member, has seemed to borrow from Rahm Emanuel’s 2008 mantra—”never let a crisis go to waste”—and has consistently seen in all our tragedy and tumult…opportunity.

“Why not do it right?” Velshi implored us in stirring remarks while Congress readied the third of its economic rescue bills in late March. “Why not be the first generation that fixes wealth disparity and income inequality and universal health care and poverty and homelessness and racial economic inequality and crushing college debt and underfunded public schools and underpaid teachers and the nurses who may save your life in the coming weeks?”

Velshi is not just another pretty face on TV. He’s a thinker, a policy wonk and a passionate believer in America’s talent for reinvention.

Join him next week for a virtual deep-dive town hall into just how we can follow his advice and seize this moment as an opportunity to remake society. RSVP here.

Photo courtesy JPG Photography

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