
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with George Takei

The MSNBC host speaks with the actor, activist and author about They Called Us Enemy, a graphic memoir about Japanese American internment

By Ali Velshi

Is Year-Round Schooling the Answer We Need?

What the most talked-about idea in the new schools plan would mean for Philadelphia

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Is Social Media Behind Philly’s Rise in Violent Crime?

Instagram feuds, Twitter taunts and online videos are taking the blame for several shootings over the last couple of years. The answer is old-fashioned communication

By Will Marani

How to Help Schools, Students and Teachers

Donate food or money for uniforms, share your expertise, provide reading help and more ways you can support schools in Philadelphia

By Jessica Blatt Press
Citizen of the Week

Cheryl Ann Wadlington

The founder of Evoluer House has empowered 3,000 young girls of color in Philadelphia to attend college and succeed in life.

By Erin Flynn Jay
Ideas We Should Steal

Mayor’s Youth Climate Action Council

In L.A. and other cities, young people influence local climate policy and enact climate fixes — while learning what it means to be an engaged citizen. It’s time Philly joins the movement

By Courtney DuChene
Business for Good


A local software company alerts parents to potential cyberbullying while their children are playing video games like Roblox and Fortnite

By Johann Calhoun

Action Civics for the Win

At Philly’s first Civics Day, high schoolers from across the city proved what we all need to hear right now: Our future is in good hands

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Julissa Arce

The MSNBC host speaks with the author about You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation

By Ali Velshi
The Citizen Recommends

PhillyBOLT Youth Voices Event

A student-led forum on Saturday calls on candidates to listen to youth voices

By Aly Kerrigan