Happy Thanksgiving, Youse Guys!

Hear what Philadelphians—from your next-door neighbor to boldfaced Philly names like Amy Gutmann, Tayyib Smith and Bill Hite—are grateful for, even in the midst of a troubled year.

By Katherine Rapin and Christy Speer LeJeune
The Citizen Recommends

Words of Revolution, Words of Solace

Join the nonprofit Blue Stoop for a cozy virtual fundraiser to support Philly’s diverse writing community

By Jessica Blatt Press

America, Dude! Learn from Black Lives

For our nation to heal, we must open our ears and hearts to the messages our young people are sending us

By Lorene Cary
Ideas We Should Steal Festival 2020

How Art Can Change the World

Join The Citizen in December to hear from Jane Golden, Shepherd Fairey, Tariq “Black Thought” Trotter, Hank Willis Thomas, and many more

By Christine Speer Lejeune
Ideas We Should Steal Festival 2020

Comedy as the New Frontier of Journalism

Can satire help change the world? Roy Wood Jr. says yes.

By Christine Speer Lejeune
The Citizen Recommends

World Kindness Day 2020

Connor Barwin’s Make The World Better Foundation is rallying behind Friday’s international day of, well, being a solid human. You should, too

By Jessica Blatt Press
Ideas We Should Steal Festival 2020

“Things That Matter”

With Hill-Freedman World Academy’s fourth album, students weave the anguish of 2020 into powerful new music

By Jessica Blatt Press

Out of the Mouth of Babes

#VoteThatJawn and Fresh Artists tap an army of kiddos to turn out the parent vote

By Rebecca Pepper Sinkler
The Citizen Recommends

Artists in Residence at Offsite

Support local artists whose varied works reflect, honor and question Philadelphia’s past, present and future

By Jessica Blatt Press
The Citizen Recommends

“Compilation of Love”

A new album featuring Philly musicians is raising money for Women Against Abuse and the survivors of intimate partner violence who rely on the organization’s life-saving services

By Jessica Blatt Press