Citizen of the Week

Nicole Bixler of Operation In My Backyard

The Port Richmond social worker offers sustenance, support and care to those struggling with addiction

By Rachel Wisniewski

Philly Coffee Shops that Do Good

Your morning Joe tastes so much better when you know where it comes from — a place that treats its workers well and gives back to the community and the world

By Abigail Chang
Guest Commentary

“We All Share A Common Humanity.”

A Montgomery County Commissioner weighs in on how we can all look out for our neighbors amidst the terror and sorrow of the Israel-Hamas war

By Ken Lawrence Jr.

The War Comes to the Penn Boardroom

Wealthy Jewish donors in revolt. Pro-Palestinian students shouting vile things. A university President embattled. Isn’t this just what the terrorists want?

By Larry Platt

Josh Kruger, Big-Hearted Philadelphian

The Citizen journalist who was tragically killed Monday morning was a passionate advocate for those who most needed it

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Guest Commentary

Probation Reform Is Within Reach

A Philly-based criminal justice reform advocate on why state legislators should pass this week’s bipartisan bill to upend PA’s “nonsensical” probation system

By LaTonya T. Myers

“Homeless?” “Unhoused?” Who Cares?

What you call our neighbors who live on the street doesn’t matter, a writer who was homeless argues. What matters is that we have the means to bring them inside — but choose not to

By Josh Kruger

20+ Philly Education Organizations to Support

How to help students in Philadelphia? Give a hand to any of these initiatives, organizations that are already doing the good work to support students, educators and communities

By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff
Guest Commentary

Does Philly Need Rent Control?

Philadelphia once led the country on keeping rents down — and, says the director of our city’s Rent Control Coalition, we can do it again

By Karen Harvey

“An Amazing Commitment to Children”

A poverty-fighting nonprofit presented its stellar outcomes at The Citizen’s Ideas We Should Steal Festival. Now it’s launching in Philly

By Natalie Pompilio