
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on The Bell Jar

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member interviews Emily Van Duyne, Sylvia Plath expert and author of the upcoming book Loving Sylvia Plath

By Ali Velshi

Working While Menopause-ing

One in four women leave the workforce because of symptoms related to menopause, a life milestone that has been woefully under-researched. Help may, finally, be on the way

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
The Citizen Recommends

Visionary Women

Whatever your faith, or lack thereof, Interfaith Philadelphia’s program for women can change your worldview — and your confidence to change the world

By Jessica Blatt Press

A Village of Moms, for Moms

Cocolife.Black provides Black and Brown women with lifesaving maternal care they have long needed, from pre-conception through baby’s early years

By Jessica Blatt Press

Honoring Penn’s Once-Overlooked Nobel Prize Winner

Katalin Karikó and her research partner did the science that led to the Covid-19 vaccine. A ​​longtime university president suggests lessons we should take from her story

By Elaine Maimon
Guest Commentary

What if Nikki Haley is Right?

The former Temple Law School Dean and longtime political advisor on what the Republican presidential candidate’s critique of Kamala Harris really means, and what Democrats can do about it

By Carl Singley

Healthcare Women Can Trust

A collaboration in West Philly brings cancer screenings directly to the neighborhood. Can it model the way to better health?

By Jessica Blatt Press

What We Didn’t Talk About When We Talked About Danilo Cavalcante

All but lost in the breathless account of the escaped murderer was the reason he was in jail in the first place: abusing and killing his girlfriend

By Lauren McCutcheon

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Imani Perry

The MSNBC host is joined by professor, scholar, and author Imani Perry to discuss the enduring impact of Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Marjane Satrapi

The MSNBC host speaks with the author and artist of Persepolis about fundamentalism, freedom and the perverse futility of book banning on the 20th anniversary of her graphic novel

By Ali Velshi