Guest Commentary

Want to Boost Voter Turnout?

A legendary UArts professor of innovation says the advent of the secret ballot fueled voter apathy

By Neil Kleinman

Out of the Mouth of Babes

#VoteThatJawn and Fresh Artists tap an army of kiddos to turn out the parent vote

By Rebecca Pepper Sinkler
Guest Commentary

Are the polls making the same mistake all over again?

A veteran political consultant warns that by not adjusting for new pandemic voting patterns, pollsters may be missing worrisome drop-offs in Black and Latino voting

By Ken Smukler

5 things we know about early voting in Philly

There are still 18 days left until Election Day, but here’s a sneak preview of how things are faring so far

By Jon Geeting

Speed Up the Vote Count

Philadelphia 3.0’s director of engagement makes a compelling call for election efficiency

By Jon Geeting

One-Stop Shop Voting in 2020

Early satellite polling stations could allow for same-day registration and voting starting in September—and, Philly 3.0’s engagement director notes, they’ll bypass the beleaguered USPS

By Jon Geeting

Philly’s Doomsday Election Night Scenario

A longtime political mad genius has an answer to Trump’s challenge to the legitimacy of November’s election. Oh yeah, and he just got out of prison.

By Larry Platt

Rocking The Youth Vote, No Matter What

Central High School teacher Thomas Quinn will pivot in whatever direction the world sends him in the name of getting out the youth vote

By Rebecca Pepper Sinkler

Vote Early. Be Counted.

City officials warn of more delays in counting votes in November. Philly 3.0’s engagement director seconds their advice: Mail in your ballots a week ahead.

By Jon Geeting

Fixing Vote-By-Mail

The country can’t wait weeks for Pennsylvania to count votes in November. Thankfully, Philly 3.0’s engagement editor notes, some fixes might be on the way

By Jon Geeting