Topic: Science
Week 9
Jason Kelce’s Eagles Education Season
This week, the Super Bowl-winning offensive lineman compares Philly schools to those of Chicago—and celebrates a local education innovation
By Jason Kelce
Business For Good
The device, by a Philly-area engineer, is helping poor women around the world check for breast cancer earlier and cheaper. It could save lives here, as well
By Michaela Haas
The Citizen Recommends
Science on Screen
Bryn Mawr Film Institute kicked off its 2nd spotlight on the sciences this week
By Siobhan Gleason
The Citizen Recommends
Melina Uncapher
In the latest in Drexel’s ExCITe Center’s Education Innovation series, a neuroscientist explores how brain science can improve student learning
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyScience While Black
Philly-based iPraxis is working to introduce local kids of color to science. It’s not just about jobs—it’s about changing society
By Quinn O'Callaghan
The Citizen Updates
Emily Kramer-Golinkoff
Emily’s Entourage founder is racing against time to cure her own rare disease
By Kyle Mountain