Topic: Rail Post
What We Learned at the 2023 Ideas We Should Steal Festival
The Philadelphia Citizen’s sixth annual celebration of solutions was its biggest yet — with some of the biggest revelations to inspire you to make our city better in approximately a bajillion ways
By Lauren McCutcheonCherelle Parker’s Philly Shine
The mayor-elect’s election night speech heralds new energy. Plus: Shapiro wasn’t on the ballot, but was a winner nonetheless
By Larry PlattClean Up Philly
“Ya Fav” Trashman urges Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker to do something unprecedented when she takes office in January: Seriously take on litter
By Terrill HaiglerWho Won in Philadelphia
On November 7, Philly (some of us, at least) voted. Here's our list of winners and losers for Mayor, City Council, judges, and more
By Julie Platt and The Citizen StaffA Village of Moms, for Moms
Cocolife.Black provides Black and Brown women with lifesaving maternal care they have long needed, from pre-conception through baby’s early years
By Jessica Blatt PressThe Breakup, Phillies-Style
Red October has ended in heartbreak. A Philly sports fan goes through the stages of loss — without an ounce of regret.
By Olivia KramPhilly Coffee Shops that Do Good
Your morning Joe tastes so much better when you know where it comes from — a place that treats its workers well and gives back to the community and the world
By Abigail ChangYay, Integrity!
This week, we honored the winners of our annual contest to name and fame city workers going above and beyond to uplift Philadelphia. Check out what you missed — and find out who was our people’s choice winner.
By Erinda Sheno and Jessica Blatt PressBusiness as Unusual
In the latest installment of The Citizen’s acclaimed podcast, Kathryn Wylde, CEO of Partnership for New York, shares the secrets to — and power of — harnessing cities’ business communities.
By Jessica Blatt PressMal’s Barber Shop
Mal Robinson, whose one-man shop in Southwest Philly is an enclave of respect, conversation and relaxation for Black men and boys, talks about choices with the iconic Philly photographer, chef and style icon
By Reuben Harley