Topic: Meet the Disruptor

D3 Developers
Greg Hill and Gabe Canuso used to build multi-million dollar condos. Now they build community
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Gabriel Weinberg
Paoli's DuckDuckGo is taking on Google (with help from Edward Snowden). How'd that happen?
By Malcolm Burnley
Emily Kramer-Golinkoff
She has a rare form of a rare disease that few scientists were interested in. So she started her own nonprofit to search for a cure. Will one arrive in time to save her?
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Neighborhood Film Company
Ricky Staub was on his way to becoming a Hollywood giant. So why is he in Brewerytown mentoring the recently incarcerated?
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Molly Hayward
The 27-year-old Fishtown entrepreneur hopes to jumpstart a movement by getting women to think about their periods in a new way—while helping girls across the globe
By Larry Platt
Alejandro Gac-Artigas
26-year-old Alejandro Gac-Artigas, CEO & Founder of Springboard Collaborative, is disrupting local education—and getting results
By Rosella LeFevre
Morgan Berman
Entrepreneur Morgan Berman turned her masters thesis into the sustainable living app MilkCrate through a combination of personal passion and deliberate collaboration. Now she’s expanding beyond Philly—and making payroll
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Yasmine Mustafa
The 33-year-old entrepreneur couldn’t speak English when she came to the States from Kuwait as an eight-year-old. Now she’s developing fashionable safety jewelry for women and spreading a message of kick-ass empowerment
By Larry Platt
W/N W/N Coffee
Can a democratically run, all-purpose coffee shop/restaurant/bar in the Eraserhood be ethical and sustainable...while making money?
By Emma Copley Eisenberg
David Fine
The 25-year-old owner of Schmear It is a food cart operator with a social conscience
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy