What Went Wrong on Washington Avenue

A two-mile paving debacle in Philly symbolizes how government isn’t working for American cities

By Sean Blanda
How Philly Sees Philly

The Angriest Neighborhood of All

The latest polling data from A Greater Philadelphia showed dissatisfaction is high among city residents. Guess who's most unhappy?

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
The Fix

Is City Council Anti-Democratic?

The public corruption trial of Councilman Kenyatta Johnson and a lawsuit against Councilwoman Jamie Gauthier puts the practice of councilmanic prerogative on trial

By Larry Platt

Residents vs. Taney Street

In the wake of last year’s racial awakening, a group of engaged Taney Street residents sought to shed the racist history of the name. Here’s how they’re doing it

By Thomas Koenig

Suing the State

City Council wants the state to get out of its way of enacting new gun laws. Smart strategy, or a waste of time?

By Andy Metzger
The Fix

R.I.P Councilmanic Prerogative

Every councilperson convicted of a crime in Philly since 1981 committed offenses related to councilmanic prerogative. There is, Philly 3.0’s engagement director says, another way: Planning

By Jon Geeting
The Fix

Let The Sun Shine

The indictment of Councilman Kenyatta Johnson is just the latest example of Philly’s most pressing political problem: Transactionalism

By Larry Platt

Kenyatta’s Gentrification Blame Game

The Councilman says his opponent is responsible for soaring home prices in South Philly. But as Philly 3.0's engagement director notes, he's the one with the power

By Jon Geeting
The Fix

The Real Problem with Corrupt Land Sales? City Council

As Philly 3.0's engagement director notes, reform is hampered by Council's refusal to grapple with its own worst impulses

By Jon Geeting
The Fix

Shifting the Blame

In the wake of a land sale scandal, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson has tried to take attention off himself. As Philly 3.0’s engagement director notes, that’s part of the problem

By Jon Geeting