Ideas We Should Steal

Community Solar Power

A West Philly neighborhood wants to turn vacant land into solar farms that low-income residents can share. Why is Pennsylvania law standing in their way?

By Brianna Baker

Scaling Copenhagen

As Mayor Kenney heads to a climate change conference, Drexel’s Metro Finance Lab director calls on cities to drive climate solutions

By Bruce Katz, Luise Noring, Torben Klitgaard and Helle Lis Soholt
The Citizen Recommends

Climate Forum 2020

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, a Citizen board member, will co-moderate as 12 presidential hopefuls talk to young voters about the climate this week

By Katherine Rapin
Reality Check

What Climate Change Debate?

Black voters—and Democrats—worry about the environment’s effect on their lives. All the more reason, WURD’s afternoon host argues, the DNC should not have nixed a climate debate

By Charles D. Ellison

More Trees, Please

Trees—which nourish the earth, beautify the city, lower temperatures and increase good health—are disappearing from Philly. Here, some ideas to fix that

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Can Philly Save the World?

Drexel’s Politics Department chair on how his city—and all cities—are leading the charge against climate disaster

By Richardson Dilworth
Reality Check

Philadelphia’s Really Bad Gas Problem

The PES refinery fire, WURD’s afternoon host argues, proves our embrace of gas plants doesn’t square with Mayor Kenney’s green rhetoric

By Charles D. Ellison
Business For Good

Declaring A Climate Emergency

B Lab’s co-founder calls on business leaders to do what politicians won’t: Save the planet

By Jay Coen Gilbert
Citizens of the Week

Climate Dads

This Father’s Day, we tip our hat to a Philly duo who’s giving like-minded men agency over a seemingly daunting problem

By Jessica Blatt Press
Guest Commentary

The Youth Are Fed Up

The winner of last year’s Raju Foundation Essay Contest urges youth—and their adult supporters—to protest for climate change Friday

By Hadley Ball