Topic: Climate Change
Business for Good: Carbon Reform
Could a Philadelphia company’s clever carbon capture capsule transform how buildings breathe — and impact climate change?
By Courtney DuCheneCitizen of the Week: Elena Jadach and Gen Z for Sustainability
The William Penn Charter School senior launched a nonprofit that empowers her peers to pitch in on protecting the planet
By Stephanie OstroffMystery Shopper: Does City Council Answer Residents, Like, Literally?
Our Gen Z Mystery Shopper reached out to each member of Philadelphia City Council via email and phone to ask what they are doing about climate change. Here’s what happened
By Citizen Mystery ShopperIdeas We Should Steal: Cool Down Creatively
Rio, Seville, Singapore and Munich have all implemented common-sense to high-tech ways to handle the hotter days ahead
By Valeria Morales-SotoNew Urban Order: It’s Time For a Shademaking Movement
It’s getting hotter. We need to start planning for it.
By Diana LindIdeas We Should Steal: Climate Resilience Hubs
When government was slow to help Wilmington, DE residents hit by Hurricane Ida, one woman stepped up with a grassroots disaster response team that is now a permanent fixture. Could a similar program help underserved Philly communities at climate risk?
By Angie BachaIs My Recycling Being … Recycled?
Philadelphians' skepticism about the City’s waste policies has led to an abysmal recycling rate. Here’s what really happens after you put out your blue bin — and how the City could do more
By Courtney DuCheneEarth Day Philadelphia Guide
More than 50 years after the holiday began, there are more reasons — and more ways — than ever to combat climate change, right here in Philly
By Rosamelia Lara Sanchez, Christina Griffith and Lauren McCutcheonIdeas We Should Steal: Manufacturers Paying for Recyclable Waste
In California, Colorado and other states, Extended Producer Responsibility laws help fund recycling efforts in underserved communities. Could a similar rule improve Philadelphia's trash problem?
By Courtney DuCheneBusiness for Good: Solar States
The Kensington-based solar panel installer has always had a mission to grow jobs for Philadelphians while helping the planet. Now, it’s training a new cohort of workers who’ve been through the justice system
By Courtney DuChene