Topic: Books

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Jonathan Evison
The MSNBC host welcomes best-selling author Jonathan Evison to talk about his semi-autobiographical examination of identity versus the American Dream, Lawn Boy
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Imani Perry
The MSNBC host is joined by professor, scholar, and author Imani Perry to discuss the enduring impact of Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
By Ali Velshi
Why Does Everyone Want to Shut Everyone Else Up?
The canceling of books by local authors Elizabeth Gilbert and Buzz Bissinger are just the latest examples of a new American mantra, regardless of political ideology: Free speech for me, but not for thee
By Larry Platt
“Don’t Take Away My Home”
In an excerpt from a new book about surviving poverty in Kensington, a teenager pleads for his alternative high school to stay open — and wonders why he must.
By Nikhil Goyal
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club Special Edition on The U.S. Constitution
The MSNBC host speaks with professors and authors Akhil Reed Amar and Jeffrey Rosen on competing interpretations of our founding document
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Marjane Satrapi
The MSNBC host speaks with the author and artist of Persepolis about fundamentalism, freedom and the perverse futility of book banning on the 20th anniversary of her graphic novel
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Maulik Pancholy
The MSNBC host speaks with the actor and author of The Best At It, a middle-grades coming-of-age novel
By Ali Velshi
What’s Causing Mass Inequality?
In The Paradox of Debt, out next week, Philadelphia author and public intellectual Richard Vague makes the connection conventional economists avoid: It’s the debt, stupid!
By Richard Vague
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Art Spiegelman
The MSNBC host speaks with the cartoonist about his Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel Maus, depicting his father's experience during and beyond the Holocaust
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Hassan Abbas
The MSNBC host speaks with the professor about the fallout from his book, The Return of the Taliban: Afghanistan After the Americans Left
By Ali Velshi