Topic: Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi says “Bidenomics” Benefit Red States Most
MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member says those who reject Biden and his policies are benefiting — and taking credit for — them
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi on the Climate Crisis
MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member says the climate crisis is here. We'd better deal with it.
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Art Spiegelman
The MSNBC host speaks with the cartoonist about his Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel Maus, depicting his father's experience during and beyond the Holocaust
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Hassan Abbas
The MSNBC host speaks with the professor about the fallout from his book, The Return of the Taliban: Afghanistan After the Americans Left
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi on Erasing the Tulsa Race Massacre
MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member says more than a century later, our country is still suppressing the truth about the White riot that destroyed the thriving Black community of Greenwood
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi on the Espionage Act
MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member offers a brief history of the Espionage Act, from World War I to ... Donald Trump
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi on Why Anti-LGBTQ+ Politics Fail
MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member reports: The American people are overwhelmingly pro LGBTQ+ rights. So why is the far right attacking trans youth and Pride displays?
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with George Takei
The MSNBC host speaks with the actor, activist and author about They Called Us Enemy, a graphic memoir about Japanese American internment
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi on the Constitutional Sheriffs Movement
MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member reports on a trend among county sheriffs who believe they are the ultimate enforcers of all laws, but especially gun rights and immigration laws
By Ali Velshi
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Julissa Arce
The MSNBC host speaks with the author about You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation
By Ali Velshi