Who is Cherelle Parker?

Parker is the 100th — and first woman — mayor of Philadelphia. Here's what we know about her

By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff

How To Really Run A City

powered by Accelerator for America

By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff

Cherelle Parker’s Philly Shine

The mayor-elect’s election night speech heralds new energy. Plus: Shapiro wasn’t on the ballot, but was a winner nonetheless

By Larry Platt
2023 Election

Who Won in Philadelphia

On November 7, Philly (some of us, at least) voted. Here's our list of winners and losers for Mayor, City Council, judges, and more

By Julie Platt and The Citizen Staff

The Ultimate Guide to the 2023 General Election in Philadelphia

Tuesday, November 7 — today! — we vote. Here's everything you need to know about candidates for Mayor, City Council, judges — the future of Philadelphia

By Julie Platt and The Citizen Staff

Jeff Yass — The Devil … Or Engaged Citizen?

The school choice mega-billionaire is at it again, spending lavishly on judicial elections and City Council races. Cue the wringing of hands.

By Larry Platt
Memo To Madam Mayor

More Out-of-School Programs for Philly Kids

Greater Philadelphia Extracurricular Collaborative suggests Philadelphia’s next leader look to successful OST programs in Los Angeles and Boston — and engage a qualified local partner to build a legacy of caring for our students

By Laura Johnson Beth Devine and Shira Hodges

What’s the Problem with David Oh?

The Republican mayoral candidate is a nice guy with progressive values, governing experience and Philly pride. And yet …

By Lauren McCutcheon

Who Should Replace Danielle Outlaw?

Philly’s police commissioner announced her resignation this week. Here, some candidates the next mayor should consider, and why

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Memo to Madam Mayor

Hire a Kick-Ass Trash Czar

The next in a series of political and policy advice to presumptive Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker looks to New York City for an idea she should steal: Appoint a sanitation commissioner

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy