City Council’s Big Risk — The Upcoming Special Elections

Council President Clarke’s call for special elections is delaying mail-in ballots and changing mayoral powers: This could signal trouble for Dems in November, says Philly 3.0’s engagement director

By Jon Geeting

What Happens in City Hall When Council Resigns?

Four City Councilmembers have already resigned to run for Mayor — with the possibility of two more leaving before the new session begins. A former Council staffer explains what that means

By Jemille Q. Duncan

John Fetterman and the Politics of Hypocrisy

Progressives who dismiss the lingering speech issues from the candidate’s stroke run the risk of embodying what they decry

By Larry Platt

Vote For Higher Ed

Higher education as a public good is on the ballot this November. A longtime college president highlights the stark choices

By Elaine Maimon

Guest Commentary: Praising the Non-Endorsers of Doug Mastriano

A Republican supporter of Democrat Josh Shapiro on what passes for a bit of courage among his fellow state party members this election season

By Craig Snyder

“Democracy Or Not Democracy”

What the highest-stakes Pennsylvania election since the last high stakes election (i.e. that one two years ago) is really about

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

How Philadelphia’s Local Democratic Party Hurts Democrats

Philly 3.0’s engagement director on the Bob Brady-led City Committee’s moves against “outsiders,” which is weakening the party ahead of critical 2022 midterm elections

By Jon Geeting

Is Democracy in Peril … Or Not?

There’s been a lot of handwringing over Democrats like Josh Shapiro trying to choose their MAGA general election opponents. But maybe we need a nationwide referendum on Trumpism, once and for all?

By Larry Platt

Senator Troll?

Senate candidate John Fetterman’s heckling of Mehmet Oz may entertain the already converted, but it might work against actually persuading independent voters

By Larry Platt

Will the Supreme Court Bombshells Change How PA Votes?

Why are Josh Shapiro and Doug Mastriano neck and neck? Is Dr. Oz underwater? Is PA going red? Catching up with legendary political consultant Neil Oxman to understand the polling.

By Larry Platt