
in CitizenCast

Here, Michael Cohen tells Ali Velshi what he really thinks about his former boss, Donald Trump. (Trump remains Cohen’s area of expertise. He’s written two books about him, and talks about him in his podcast.)


Watch the interview

Cohen and Velshi talk Trump 2024 (?!) here.

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Ali Velshi Speaks with Michael Cohen About — Who Else? — Donald Trump

MSNBC host and Citizen Board Member Ali Velshi chats with Donald Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, about Trump, the Republican Party and lessons learned (or not)


Ali Velshi Speaks with Michael Cohen About — Who Else? — Donald Trump

MSNBC host and Citizen Board Member Ali Velshi chats with Donald Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, about Trump, the Republican Party and lessons learned (or not)

Former President Donald Trump has been on the receiving end of the blame for Republican midterm losses. Especially critical of the Donald is former Trump loyalist, fixer and personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

Cohen tells MSNBC host and Philadelphia Citizen board member Ali Velshi that he isn’t surprised by the reaction from the former President or the Republican Party. “The Republican Party doesn’t care what Donald has to say anymore,” says Cohen.

“Give it two years: He’s going to become more and more inconsequential, more and more irrelevant … Things are not going well for Donald.”

Listen to Velshi and Cohen Talk Trump for President, 2024, below:

Watch Velshi and Michael Cohen talk Trump on MSNBC:


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