The Virus and the City

Place Matters

Saving small businesses requires saving local communities. Drexel’s Metro Finance Director with some ways to do that

By Bruce Katz, Beth Bafford, Ross Baird, Michael Saadine and Colin Higgins

Disaster Optimism

Covid-19 is a catastrophe. Here, six ways to turn it into an opportunity for Philadelphia

By Diana Lind
The Virus and the City

Fixing A Broken Social Contract

The Covid crisis reveals decades of policies that have undermined the safety net. The fix, Drexel’s Metro Finance Lab Director says, won’t come from the federal government.

By Bruce Katz, Luise Noring and Andrew Petrisin

The End of the Boom?

Philly’s population grew by just 472 residents last year, possibly marking the end of our growth. We can’t afford that. Here’s what we should do about it.

By Diana Lind
The Virus and the City

An Urban Proxy for the Nation

Drexel’s Metro Finance Lab director on how, in the wake of Covid-19, post-industrial Erie, PA’s efforts at survival can be a model for America

By Bruce Katz and Ben Speggen
Business For Good

Building a Better Workforce

Even during an economic crisis, Post Brothers' Matt Pestronk is tackling workforce development the same way he stood up to the building trades. Like a wrestler.

By Larry Platt

When They Build It, Will They Stay?

Philly-bred entrepreneurs are increasingly finding success … in Philly. Can a start-up connector group prove the city is ready for the big time?

By Courtney DuChene

How to Build Minority-Owned Businesses

Cincinnati has an ecosystem for nurturing, growing and capitalizing minority-owned businesses. Drexel’s Metro Finance Lab director on why it’s time to pay attention to that.

By Bruce Katz and Andrew Petrisin
Guest Commentary

Work Where You Serve

The principal of socially-minded developer Shift Capital pens a call to arms to fellow business leaders: Locate where you’re most needed

By Brian Murray

If you build it they will hire

Philly currently has the second-lowest rate of office construction in the country. As Philly 3.0’s engagement director notes, a coming change could mean an influx of much-needed jobs.

By Jon Geeting