Helen Octavia Dickens | Philadelphia Women’s History Month All-Star
All-Star #2: Dr. Helen Octavia Dickens
Book Club With Dr. Michele Harper
During our first virtual event of 2021, the ER doctor and best-selling author shared what it means to break—and to heal—on the frontlines of medicine
By Jessica Blatt PressRats on the Parkway!
A Fairmount resident’s encounter with rodents — in broad daylight! — sent her on an odyssey to get city action. Here’s what happened … and what you can do about Philly pests, too.
By Christine Speer LejeunePhilly’s Potential to Change The World
Penn’s Orphan Disease Center turns 10 this year. Its promise for Philadelphia goes well beyond science
By Ajay RajuWill Philly Be Ready For the Vaccine Surge?
President Biden has promised that vaccine supply is ahead of schedule. Philly 3.0’s engagement editor wonders: Can Mayor Kenney and other leaders agree on a plan to get the shots in arms?
By Jon GeetingGetting Vaccines Right
The Philly Fighting Covid fiasco was an unforced error. Philly 3.0’s engagement director warns that it may force an overcorrection from city officials that we can’t afford.
By Jon GeetingA Message to Those We Lost to Covid
Resolve Philly’s With Love project is chronicling the goodbyes that Philadelphians didn’t get to share with loved ones who died in the pandemic. What would you say if you had the chance?
By Eugene SonnMed Students To The Rescue!
The president and CEO of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine on why we should mobilize medical students to jumpstart the vaccination rollout
By Jay S. Feldstein, DO“Those Nerdy Girls” Explain The Pandemic to America
A volunteer team of women scientists, many from Philly, launched Dear Pandemic last year to spread real and clear information about Covid-19. They now speak to 1 million people a month.
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyThe Vaccine Is Here! The Vaccine is Here!
Convincing skeptical Philadelphians to get their Covid-19 vaccine will take trust-building—and ample creativity. A new citywide special, anyone?
By Jessica Blatt Press