Philly Breweries Where Giving Back Is On Tap

A guide to breweries in Philadelphia that are raising funds for locals (and more) in need. Cheers!

By Irene Levy Baker

Great Women-Owned Restaurants in Philly

Philly’s women-run restaurants are helping us all survive the pandemic. Here, some of our favorites to try right now.

By Katherine Rapin

The End of 13th Street Streateries?

The Streets Department is making restaurants in Midtown Village dismantle their outside dining huts for non-emergency utility work set to start January 20. With Covid surging, and food businesses barely hanging on, is this really how to keep the city thriving?

By Katherine Rapin

Your Servers Still Need You

As Covid surges in the region, the 70,000+ Philadelphians who work in the city’s food industry continue to face closures and loss of income. Here's how you can help them.

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy and Katherine Rapin

A Simple Kwanzaa Cookie Recipe

Delicious, nutritious, traditional. Celebrate the African-inspired Kwanzaa holiday by baking some of these tasty treats

By Tonya Hopkins
Foodizen Podcast

What’s On Your Kwanzaa Table?

Philly boasts one of the longest-running celebrations of the African-inspired holiday that runs from December 26 to January 1. This episode of our food history podcast explores what it means.

By Tonya Hopkins

Will City Council Save Our Streateries?

A new bill would make it easier to build outdoor dining setups in Philadelphia. But, as Philly 3.0's engagement director notes, those rules mostly apply to the whitest, wealthiest neighborhoods.

By Jon Geeting

How to Give Back on Thanksgiving

With food prices and hunger on the rise, giving what you can is especially important this holiday season. Here’s how you can help people and families for Thanksgiving in 2021.

By Katherine Rapin
Ideas We Should Steal

Mobile Farmers’ Markets

Chicago’s Urban Growers Collective grows fresh produce on a teaching farm and then brings it directly to citizens living in food deserts, a full-service program that goes beyond anything in Philly

By Jessica Blatt Press

Why Philly Still Needs Streateries

City Council is considering making the Covid-outdoor dining scene permanent in Philly. That’s great news for local businesses.

By Jon Geeting