The Voice They Were Born To Use

Through Philadelphia Student Union, high schoolers are encouraged to speak out against the injustices they see in their schools—and to become active and engaged citizens for life

By Emma Copley Eisenberg
The Citizen Updates

Cristo Rey Philly High

The independent school that aims to be a Prep for those who can’t afford the Prep graduated its first class last week with a “superabundance” of joy

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

One Student at a Time

At El Centro de Estudiantes, intense adult interaction helps high school dropouts graduate—and sets them up for success in their lives

By Melanie Bavaria
Ideas We Should Steal

Infant Caregiver Project

Pre-K is great. But helping parents of even younger kids might be even better

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Running to the Future

At Students Run Philly Style, running is a metaphor for success for 1,300 teens

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

The Highest Hanging Fruit

High school dropouts are the toughest to reach. At YouthBuild Philly, they get the training, schooling and love they need to make it

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Philly Poll

Yes to Soda Tax

A Citizen co-sponsored survey finds most Philadelphians favor Mayor Kenney’s proposed soda tax on sugary beverages

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Hear Me Out

Born of tragedy, local nonprofit SpeakUp teaches parents and teenagers how to communicate

By Emma Copley Eisenberg

Bienvenidos a la escuela

Are bilingual immersion programs, like at South Philly’s Southwark, a way to save city schools?

By Melanie Bavaria
The Citizen Updates

Philadelphia’s Other Draft

On the night of the NFL draft, Germination Project introduced the city to its new all stars

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy