A War of the Stupid

Testimony in the Kathleen Kane trial ended on Friday. How’d we get to this absurd point?

By Larry Platt

Perp Walk City

With Johnny Doc now in the Feds’ crosshairs, is it time to think innovatively about taking on our culture of corruption?

By Larry Platt
The Smuk Report

Philly Cheesesteak Style

Ken Smukler on Hillary Clinton (two stars) and the Democrats in Philly

By Larry Platt

Can HRC Learn From RFK?

An author of a new book, along with some old Kennedy friends, were here this week to remember the last truly authentic candidate. Hillary, are you listening?

By Larry Platt

What Will John Street Say?

The former Mayor will headline YIP’s political StorySlam, co-sponsored by The Citizen, on Wednesday night

By Larry Platt
Innovation and Local Government

Power to the People

Millennial mayor Alex Torpey on recruiting citizens to reinvent government.

By Larry Platt
Ideas We Should Steal

College Savings For Every Baby

Joe Torsella, candidate for State Treasurer, wants to give every newborn in Pennsylvania a college savings plan. That makes him a politician actually running on an innovative idea

By Larry Platt

The Crack Cocaine of Philly Politics

Is there a 12-Step program for tax-happy pols?

By Larry Platt

The City of B Corp Love

In reaction to the bathroom law, Wayne-based B Lab has relocated its annual retreat of socially conscious companies from North Carolina to … here. Pssst, Philly: This is an opportunity!

By Larry Platt
Meet the Disruptors

‘Techno Rebels’ Jarvus Innovations

They’ve spent $600,000 on social impact ventures—and they’re growing. Ultimately, they want to build a spaceship ... while making the world better

By Larry Platt