Voice: Charles D. Ellison

Let’s Bail out CCP
In the wake of last week’s union agreement, WURD’s afternoon host offers a fix to our community college’s financial woes. Hint: Look at area higher ed’s endowments
By Charles D. Ellison
Raise The Rates
Only 25 percent of Philadelphians have bachelors degrees. WURD’s afternoon host wonders: Why aren’t local universities doing more to change that?
By Charles D. Ellison
Why Weed?
As Lt. Governor John Fetterman continues his statewide marijuana tour, WURD’s afternoon host contends there are more pressing issues to consider
By Charles D. Ellison
Voting Green
Why aren’t our elected officials talking more about climate change and pollution? This election, WURD’s afternoon host says, voters should demand it
By Charles D. Ellison
Is this a Philly Jim Crow moment?
After Controller Rebecca Rhynhart’s report showing that properties in poor areas are the most unfairly taxed in the city, WURD’s afternoon host calls for a political reckoning
By Charles D. Ellison
More Trees, Less Crime?
Studies show that cleaner and greener neighborhoods lead to lower violence. WURD’s afternoon host urges city leaders to act like it
By Charles D. Ellison
Violent Areas Are Hungry Areas
Violence is often linked to hunger. That’s why we need more—not fewer—supermarkets in Philadelphia
By Charles D. Ellison
Philly Has a Violence Problem
And it’s time our leaders start acting like it
By Charles D. Ellison
How “Good Cause” Fails Renters
WURD’s afternoon host on why City Council members should not be celebrating their tepid attempt to reform tenant protections in Philly
By Charles D. Ellison
What Blue Wave?
WURD’s afternoon host warns that Pennsylvanians may not comply with those who are hoping for a progressive midterm landslide
By Charles D. Ellison