Voice: Charles D. Ellison

Reality Check with Mike McLively
Mike McLively of the Giffords Law Center to Reduce Gun Violence, studied those efforts in Oakland for a report that came out earlier this year.
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check with Angela Beale-Tawfeeq
Angela Beale-Tawfeeq talks to WURD host Charles D. Ellison about the swimming program she created for kids in urban areas
By Charles D. EllisonReality Check with Jessica Press
Jessica Press wrote a piece with tips from experts on how to help kids succeed in school this year.
By Charles D. Ellison
What Climate Change Debate?
Black voters—and Democrats—worry about the environment’s effect on their lives. All the more reason, WURD’s afternoon host argues, the DNC should not have nixed a climate debate
By Charles D. EllisonReality Check with Larry Platt
The Philadelphia Citizen publisher Larry Platt joined Charles to discuss the breaking news of Police Commissioner Richard Ross' resignation.
By Charles D. Ellison
How to Ignore a Gun Crisis
WURD’s afternoon host on how the Mayor’s response to Commissioner Ross’s resignation this week misses the point
By Charles D. Ellison
Of Course, It Was Nicetown
The shootout with city police yesterday was in a struggling stretch of North Philly that has too often seen violence. WURD’s afternoon host wonders if now the neighborhood will get some help
By Charles D. Ellison
A Winnable Gun Debate
A ban on “battlefield weapons” could keep casualties from mass shootings down. That, WURD’s afternoon host contends, should be the sole message from gun control advocates
By Charles D. EllisonReality Check with Mark Houldin
Mark is the former policy director at the defender's association. He joined Charles to discuss Who's The Culprit For Philly's Murder Rate?
By Charles D. Ellison
Why are We Surprised by Unchecked Gun Violence?
Most homicide victims are black, from black neighborhoods the City has long ignored. WURD’s afternoon host has some ideas to change that
By Charles D. Ellison