Voice: Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
The Comeback of Charters?
Twenty years in, good charter schools are self-policing and calling for the closing of bad ones. Is it enough to get the movement’s mojo back?
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyHealthy Rowhouse Project
A program to keep low-income residents in their homes gets a $1 million startup grant
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyGive the Gift of Good
The Citizen’s 2015 Socially-Conscious Gift Guide
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavySchool of (black) Thought sweatshirts
A social justice-minded print shop sells aspirational college gear that celebrates black intellectual life
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyZero Tolerance For Zero Tolerance
An innovative Police Department program works to upend the schools-to-prison pipeline
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyThe Other School Choice
The state budget impasse imperils a program that works when the best option is neither public nor charter school
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy24HRS2 Massive Change with Bruce Mau
The legendary designer brings design thinking to solving civic problems
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyCommunity Schools
The only way to really improve student’s ability to learn? Fix everything else in their lives as well
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyD3 Developers
Greg Hill and Gabe Canuso used to build multi-million dollar condos. Now they build community
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyComcast City Council Hearing
There's still time to take a stand to get more from the cable giant—go now, or wait 15 years for another chance
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy