The Fix

Shifting the Blame

In the wake of a land sale scandal, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson has tried to take attention off himself. As Philly 3.0’s engagement director notes, that’s part of the problem

By Jon Geeting
The Fix

End Council-sponsored Land Sales

Councilman Kenyatta Johnson directed city land to a campaign contributor—twice. Philly 3.0’s engagement director calls for a City Charter change to outlaw such behavior

By Jon Geeting

Predicting the Midterms

Philly 3.0’s engagement director games the outcome of tomorrow’s election

By Jon Geeting

Kenney Zoning vs…. Kenney Planning?

The Mayor’s zoning board is making bad decisions that are counter to the Mayor’s own plans for the city. Philly 3.0’s engagement director paints a picture of an administration at war with itself

By Jon Geeting

The New Politics of Zoning

City Council's new housing bills could provide at least $70 million for affordable housing. Philly 3.0's engagement director asks which neighborhoods will shoulder the responsibility

By Jon Geeting

Water is Wet

And trash cans reduce litter, according to a new city report. So when, Philly 3.0’s Engagement Director wonders, is Mayor Kenney going to do something about it?

By Jon Geeting
The Fix

Councilmanic Prerogative at its Worst

Councilmember Cindy Bass wants to ban new day cares from her district. As Philly 3.0’s engagement director notes, it’s a shameful example of how politics works here

By Jon Geeting

Build It So They Will Come

It’s greener and more lucrative to grow cities than suburbs. Philly 3.0’s engagement director calls on Mayor Kenney to make housing policies to reflect that

By Jon Geeting

Kenney’s Housing Shortfall

The mayor’s new plan for housing could be a tool for growth. So Philly 3.0's engagement director wonders why is he aiming so low

By Jon Geeting

Open Wards for All

Want better democracy? Philly 3.0’s engagement director calls for a more democratic decision-making process among the lowest elected bodies in the city

By Jon Geeting