Here at The Citizen, we do problem-solving journalism, looking for ideas and solutions to move the region forward and make a better city. Here are some other great ideas for solving the world’s problems, from media outlets around the globe:

Want to jumpstart the economy? How about paying women fairly for their work. If we did, our annual GDP would increase by $4.3 trillion per year. Even if we only wanted to go so far as to make every state as “equal” as our best state, we would see an annual increase of $2.1 trillion. This works locally and nationally, with every state and every city having the ability to increase its economy by at least five percent just with equal pay. (via FastCo.Exist; full report via McKinsey Consulting)

We already know that wealth correlates to life expectancy, with wealthier Americans living on average three years longer than the rest of us. But new analysis indicates that, for the poor, where they live can make all the difference. Surprisingly, expected factors like Medicare spending, unemployment rates, and income inequality had little to do with life expectancy. However, government spending made a big difference. How that money is spent is obviously important, and likely contributes to improved health outcomes, but the trend is clear that cities that spend more have citizens who live longer. (via NextCity)

By the time students reach 9th grade, researchers can tell with 75 percent certainty which of them are going to drop out. In fact, they can tell half of them by 6th grade. One school in San Antonio, Texas, is partnering with an organization called Diplomas Now to use that information to provide targeted social services to those likely dropouts to try to keep them in school and get them to graduation day. This year, the first fully-served cohort is set to graduate. The 74 million has all the details on this innovative program.
Photo header: World Economic Forum