The Citizen Recommends

Evening Stories on WURD

Evening WURDs host and Citizen contributor James Peterson launches a short story club on his program this Thursday night. Everyone is invited

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Guest Commentary

“Touch the Bones,” a Black History Lesson

A philosophy professor, lawyer, and WURD regular warns against embracing distorted histories of African American leaders and activists

By Timothy Golden
The Citizen Recommends

WURD’s Message in Our Music

Philadelphia’s Black radio station gathers OGs and MCs to celebrate hip hop’s 50th anniversary with “education, reflection and inspiration”

By Christina Griffith
The Citizen Recommends

WURD’s Empowerment Experience

The event on Saturday launches Pennsylvania’s only Black-owned radio station’s 20th anniversary year with shopping, cooking, hope — and dancing

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
The Citizen Recommends

WURD Radio Founder’s Day

The free, ninth annual day of discussion returns to carry on the legacy of Walter P. Lomax Jr. and of one of only three Black-owned and operated talk radio stations in the U.S.

By Christina Griffith
Reality Check

“Basic income” To The Rescue?

WURD’s midday host praises the boldness of City Council's poverty proposal, with caveats

By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check

Philly Schools Are Like a Slow-Moving Asteroid

Philly schools are toxic, underperforming and mismanaged. When, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, is someone going to take responsibility?

By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check

Walking the Talk on Clean Energy

In Chicago and D.C., residents and government came together to close polluting plants in their community. In Philly, City Hall won’t even take real action on the PES Refinery site

By Charles D. Ellison

Reality Check with Brooke Davis Anderson

Charles sat down with the Director of Museum Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts to discuss PAFA leading the country in acquiring works of art by women, and being among the best at acquiring works by African American artists—an effort towards making the museum better reflect the city and world it is a part of.

By Charles D. Ellison
The Citizen Recommends

WURD Founder’s Day

This Friday, Pennsylvania’s only black-owned talk radio station will host a free, day-long celebration to honor the mission of its founder, Walter P. Lomax Jr.: to uplift Philly

By Jessica Blatt Press