Topic: Wharton

Is There Such A Thing As Accountable AI?
Wharton’s latest foray into studying Artificial Intelligence looks at the regulatory, ethical and governmental considerations of these technologies
By Malcolm Burnley
Finding A Shot
A Wharton MBA for Executives candidate has launched a site to help Americans find open vaccine appointments. Because we need all the help we can get
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Changing Behavior … For Good
Wharton professor Katy Milkman is co-leading groundbreaking research, along with her Penn colleague Angela Duckworth, to uncover why we make the decisions we do, and how we can make better ones—that stick
By Jessica Blatt Press
A Crack in the Permanent Establishment
The ascension of Wharton’s Erika James, IBX’s Gregory Deavens and Comcast’s Dalila Wilson-Scott points to refreshing change among the city’s leadership class
By Larry Platt
New Wharton Lecture Series
Erika H. James, Wharton’s first-ever female and African American leader, will address the pressing issues facing businesses in the States, and around the world
By Jessica Blatt Press
What does COVID-19 mean for your finances?
Wharton experts share their two cents
By Jessica Blatt Press
Rebuilding Philadelphia, Together
A local non-profit supported and powered by banks and corporations helps low-income homeowners make much-needed repairs
By Quinn O'Callaghan