
Ali Velshi Explains Why We Have Birthright Citizenship

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member explains the history of the 14th Amendment and why it's important today

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Lays Out the Stakes of the 2024 Election

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member says it's OK to be concerned about Biden's age. But the larger concern is democracy itself

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Compares the Supreme Court to Tinkerbell

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member warns that SCOTUS's failure to maintain public trust is an enormous threat to a functioning government and the very survival of our nation

By Ali Velshi
The New Urban Order

The Supreme Court Will Decide if Homelessness is a Crime

How will the ruling in City of Grants Pass, Oregon, v. Gloria Johnson affect how Philadelphia addresses our own homelessness crisis?

By Diana Lind

Ali Velshi on the Originalism Sin

The MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member interviews Penn professor Kermit Roosevelt III about whether the Supreme Court can overcome its devotion to originalism before our democracy collapses

By Ali Velshi
Guest Commentary

We Must Talk About Abortion

On the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a local Democratic Congresswoman warns of what’s at stake in 2024: Pennsylvanians’ rights

By Rep. Chrissy Houlahan

More Age Diversity, Please

A young local public policy professional says adding term limits would cycle out politicians who’ve overstayed their welcome — and invite new, younger leaders into the legislative mix

By Jemille Q. Duncan

Got Student Debt? Heed this Advice.

A long-time university president on the quick and easy way to ease the debt burden for the thousands of Americans facing an increase in their monthly payments

By Elaine Maimon

College Diversity Without Affirmative Action

A long-time university president reflects on what it would take for selective colleges and universities to diversify their campuses. Spoiler alert: We already know how to do it.

By Elaine Maimon

Politics is the Power Struggle Some Founders Foresaw

Our country’s earliest politicians predicted today’s political divides — and their motivations: a hunger for power

By Jemille Q. Duncan