Philly’s Disappearing Police Force

Gun crimes are dropping despite the Police Department being short 1,100 officers. Is that sustainable?

By Mensah M. Dean and Afea Tucker

Cop Watcher

Philadelphia’s three-year-old Citizens Police Oversight Commission has yet to conduct an investigation. Executive Director Tonya McClary says the Fraternal Order of Police is to blame

By Mensah M. Dean

Tyree Wallace is home. What did it cost him — and us?

The Point Breeze native spent 26 years imprisoned for a murder he says he didn’t commit. His release comes after years of efforts by lawyers and high-profile activists, including sports reporter Michael Barkann and local business leader Jay Coen Gilbert

By Christina Griffith

What’s Behind The Drop in Philly’s Shootings?

Gun violence is significantly down in Philly this year, including among young people. But residents aren’t celebrating just yet

By Mensah M. Dean

Is Larry Krasner Soft on Crime?

The DA just won his second historic conviction of an on-duty police officer. Here’s why House Republicans are using that against him

By Mensah M. Dean

“Ghost Guns Are A Nightmare”

On the heels of settling a lawsuit with Philly, the nation’s largest manufacturer of controversial ghost gun kits has now been sued by a local victim’s parents. Are we finally catching up to the ghost gun crisis?

By Mensah M. Dean

The State — and Future — of Policing in Cities

The latest episode of our How to Really Run a City podcast presents the final installment of an in-depth conversation between legendary Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey and co-hosts Kasim Reed, Michael Nutter, and Larry Platt

By Jessica Blatt Press

Is the PPD Transparent Now?

In the aftermath of January’s police killing of Andrew Spencer, the Philadelphia Police Department did something kind of unheard of in the recent past. Could this be … change?

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Working Under the Gun

Gun violence citywide decreased in 2023 — but attacks on public employees continued to rise. Can the City keep its bus drivers — and other workers — safe?

By Mensah M. Dean

Gang Wars and Good Data

In the newest installment of How to Really Run a City, The Citizen’s acclaimed podcast, legendary Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey returns for a powerful conversation about public safety.

By Jessica Blatt Press