The New Urban Order

No One Really Knows What’s Going On

How can voters and politicians better communicate with each other?

By Diana Lind
The New Urban Order

Will the Key to Climate Resilience be AI — or Dopamine?

How emerging tech can help cities fight climate change

By Diana Lind
The New Urban Order

How Cities Fared In The Election

New mayors, new funding for housing and transit, and why cities are trending Republican

By Diana Lind
New Urban Order

A Contrarian Take on Broken Windows Policing

There's a better way to address the social disorder plaguing our city

By Diana Lind
The New Urban Order

How Cities Can Reverse The “Human Doom Loop”

What’s happening to people is more worrisome than the fate of office buildings. An urbanist has city-centric solutions.

By Diana Lind
New Urban Order

Expand — Yes, Expand — Public Transit

New York City, Seattle and Sydney are doubling down on public transportation amid the ongoing work-from-home trend. Why this counterintuitive move is an idea Philly should steal

By Diana Lind
New Urban Order

Reclaiming Our Time

Why Philly should adopt other cities’ policies to help with our harried schedules — some very good time management ideas we should steal

By Diana Lind
The New Urban Order

The Hottest New Real Estate?

Governments have started using the property they own to increase affordable housing. Canada is doing it nationally. Philly’s doing it … at 13th and Bainbridge

By Diana Lind
New Urban Order

Should Philly Be More Like … Detroit?

The midwestern city has gone from bankrupt to transformational growth by embracing innovation and bling. Here, some ideas Philly might steal from Motor City

By Diana Lind
The New Urban Order

The Best Housing Bill on the East Coast?

Is Massachusetts’ new housing package an idea Pennsylvania should steal?

By Diana Lind