Topic: Memo to Madam Mayor

Three Quick Wins for Cherelle Parker
Here’s how our new mayor can make friends with her constituents right quick
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
First, Kill All the Pilots
Philadelphia government is in love with pilot programs. With a $6.2 billion budget, how about making the tough decisions to deploy what works citywide?
By Larry Platt
Clean Up Philly
“Ya Fav” Trashman urges Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker to do something unprecedented when she takes office in January: Seriously take on litter
By Terrill Haigler
Collaboration is Key To Philly’s Future
The heads of the Chamber and United Way urge Mayor-elect Parker to share responsibility for Philly’s growth with business, philanthropic and public leaders
By Chellie Cameron and Bill Golderer
More Out-of-School Programs for Philly Kids
Greater Philadelphia Extracurricular Collaborative suggests Philadelphia’s next leader look to successful OST programs in Los Angeles and Boston — and engage a qualified local partner to build a legacy of caring for our students
By Laura Johnson Beth Devine and Shira Hodges
Clean and Green. For Real.
In the next in a series of policy recommendations for presumptive Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker, a local environmental activist makes a plea for the planet — and Philadelphians who live on it
By Karen Melton
Strengthen Bonds Among Museums
In the next in a series of political and policy advice to presumptive Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker, the National Liberty Museum CEO calls for deeper investment in the city’s cultural institutions — a driver of democracy for all Philadelphians
By Alaine Arnott
Forgive Medical Debt, Grow the Economy
Washington, D.C. and Pittsburgh are doing it. You want to create a pathway to the middle class? Forget student loans. Medical debt is where it’s at
By Larry Platt
Radically Rethink Transit
The next in a series of political and policy advice to presumptive Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker offers a new way to think about getting around from a former city transportation official
By Robert Ravelli
Hire a Kick-Ass Trash Czar
The next in a series of political and policy advice to presumptive Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker looks to New York City for an idea she should steal: Appoint a sanitation commissioner
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy