Topic: Martin Luther King Jr.

Let’s Make Every Day A Day of Service
Philly’s MLK Day of Service is the nation’s biggest. But it doesn’t capture who King really was. We must do better.
By Larry Platt
MLK’s Philly
How the City of Brotherly Love helped shape the great Civil Rights leader we honor on January 17
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Making Sense of the Senseless
As Baltimore burns, there is a whole lot of denunciation. But maybe MLK was right when he said “a riot is the language of the unheard”
By Nick Taliaferro
“Bind Up the Wounds Among Us”
Fifty-three years (and two days) after MLK’s assassination, we recall the words of Robert Kennedy, bemoaning a murderous “time of shame and sorrow”—much like our own
By Senator Robert F. Kennedy
MLK’s “Burning House”
A Mastery high school principal says the civil rights leader may have begun with integration—but that’s not where he landed
By Sharif El-Mekki
The Citizen Recommends
MLK Day of Service
Some ways to do service on Monday
By Stephen St. Vincent