Ideas We Should Steal: Women Leading, Together

The 550 women executives in the 45-year-old Chicago Network are changing their city for the better — and creating opportunities for even more women leaders. There is no better moment for a similar effort in Philadelphia. (That’s also why we’re relaunching Rad Girls!)

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Ideas We Should Steal: College Credit for Campaign Work

L.A.’s Occidental College offers a “campaign semester” for students who do election work full time. A longtime university president urges local colleges to do the same

By Elaine Maimon

Ideas We Should Steal: Family College Scholarships

Hope Chicago ensures free college for students graduating from five public high schools — along with one member of their family. A longtime university president makes the case for investing in Philadelphia families the same way

By Elaine Maimon

Ideas We Should Steal: Homesharing

Across the state and country, programs are connecting those in need of companionship and income with those who need affordable housing. Why is Philly’s version struggling?

By Courtney DuChene

Ideas We Should Steal: Climate Resilience Hubs

When government was slow to help Wilmington, DE residents hit by Hurricane Ida, one woman stepped up with a grassroots disaster response team that is now a permanent fixture. Could a similar program help underserved Philly communities at climate risk?

By Angie Bacha

Ideas We Should Steal: Use Free Money to Build a Thriving Green Economy

El Paso, TX is poised to take full economic advantage of the global energy transition, thanks to a Green Business Initiative.

By Bruce Katz and Victoria Orozco

Ideas We Should Steal: Letting Citizens Shape Philly’s Budget

South Bend, Indiana proactively boosted resident feedback in its budget season through its 311 line and by meeting citizens where they are. Could the same efforts in Philly create a budget that reflects residents’ priorities?

By Malcolm Burnley

Ideas We Should Steal: Manufacturers Paying for Recyclable Waste

In California, Colorado and other states, Extended Producer Responsibility laws help fund recycling efforts in underserved communities. Could a similar rule improve Philadelphia's trash problem?

By Courtney DuChene