Youth Leader Declan Cassidy

The 15-year-old Youth Citizen of the Year has donated more than 79,000 pairs of socks to the most vulnerable members of his community through his nonprofit Socks For The Streets

By Christina Griffith

15+ Ways to Help Others this Thanksgiving

Before and after you hunker down for the big meal, take time to make the holiday more special for your fellow Philadelphians.

By Ethan Young
The Citizen Recommends

Beyond the Bridge Film Screening

The documentary, followed by a community conversation, explores a proven solution to homelessness. Join the effort November 21

By Christina Griffith

Is it Time for a Housing Safety Net?

American families should always have a stable place to call home. Drexel’s Metro Finance head makes the case for doing it right

By Bruce Katz
New Urban Order

A Contrarian Take on Broken Windows Policing

There's a better way to address the social disorder plaguing our city

By Diana Lind
Guest Commentary

Things at K&A Are Worse, Not Better

A Harrowgate resident has spent years advocating for the people who actually live in the neighborhood. Here’s what she wants to see from the City

By Sonja Bingham
Citizen Updates

Rosalind Pichardo’s Sunshine House

A Kensington woman who has helped more than 2,400 people survive potential overdoses now has a storefront to provide more services — despite the City’s efforts to shut down harm reduction programs in the neighborhood

By Christina Griffith
The New Urban Order

The Supreme Court Will Decide if Homelessness is a Crime

How will the ruling in City of Grants Pass, Oregon, v. Gloria Johnson affect how Philadelphia addresses our own homelessness crisis?

By Diana Lind

A Healing Embrace

Homelessness can cut life expectancy by 20 years, in part because of health issues that particularly affect women. A new Project HOME safe haven offers women a place to heal

By Jessica Blatt Press
Guest Commentary

Is Philly Undercounting our Homeless Population?

Last month’s annual count of unhoused people helps determine federal funding for some of our most vulnerable citizens. So why isn’t it more accurate?

By Jacob Fuller