Do We Need a Wealth Tax?

Councilmembers Kendra Brooks, Helen Gym and Jamie Gauthier, with an assist from Senator Elizabeth Warren, have proposed a drastic taxing of the rich in Philly. But are they unwittingly harming the middle class?

By Larry Platt

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

What’s the one thing few leaders are talking about as we secure a $2.7 billion windfall? Growing jobs. Is there a plan for that?

By Larry Platt

Reformer vs. Progressive

Recent revelations illustrate Philly’s real political divide. Here’s why it matters.

By Larry Platt

Does City Hall Have An Actual Plan?

City Council and Mayor Kenney began their new terms this week. WURD’s afternoon host wonders if that will matter at all for Philadelphians

By Charles D. Ellison

How We Voted

Philly 3.0's engagement director with a fine-grained look at how citywide voting coalitions made a difference in 2019

By Jon Geeting
Reality Check

Just Another Day in Philly

Low turnout, broken machine politics, an invisible mayor and other unimpressive takeaways from the city’s general election

By Charles D. Ellison
New Blood

City Council Candidate Eryn Santamoor

A former Nutter administration policy nerd has — not surprisingly — drafted an action plan for the city with depth and clarity. The next in an ongoing series wonders, will it matter?

By Larry Platt

Open Wards for All

Want better democracy? Philly 3.0’s engagement director calls for a more democratic decision-making process among the lowest elected bodies in the city

By Jon Geeting

Tracking PA’s ‘Blue Wave’ in the Senate

As part of a series on the upcoming election, an urban demographer looks at how the state Senate races are likely to play out

By Jonathan Tannen

Steve Poses Takes On Trump

The chef responsible for Philly’s first restaurant renaissance is back with a plan to use food to turn Pennsylvania blue

By Larry Platt