More Age Diversity, Please

A young local public policy professional says adding term limits would cycle out politicians who’ve overstayed their welcome — and invite new, younger leaders into the legislative mix

By Jemille Q. Duncan
Guest Commentary

“Magic Seats” Undermine Democracy

The Democratic Party wants to pick your “elected” judicial candidates. A longtime committee person objects

By Karen Bojar

Why Do Local Democrats Govern Like National Conservatives?

It's time, a political observer argues, for state Dems to stop the hypocrisy

By Jemille Q. Duncan

Ali Velshi Compares Nepotism and Corruption, Trumps vs. Bidens

MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member points out the differences in scope and scale of the allegations against Hunter Biden vs. those against Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

By Ali Velshi

Do The House Dems Want to Lose Power?

In the budget fight over school vouchers, the Dems have overplayed their hand politically … and invited mega-donor Jeff Yass to flip their already tenuous majority

By Larry Platt
Guest Commentary

The Letter that Sank School Vouchers in PA

A former Tom Wolfe staffer on one critical misstep of school choice advocates in the state

By Mark Nicastre
Guest Commentary

The Complicated Truth About the PA Primary

Despite the common perception, Philly-area progressives did just fine, a former Tom Wolf aide contends

By Mark Nicastre
Guest Commentary

The Heart of Progressive PA …

… is no longer Philadelphia, a veteran Republican political consultant argues. Now, Pittsburgh holds the title

By Christopher Nicholas

Your Guide to the Philadelphia Primary Election on May 16, 2023

Who's running? City Council? Commissioners? Controller? Judges? We've got you covered, Philadelphia voters

By Kelson Northeimer, Julie Platt, and Citizen Staff

A New Reality for Pennsylvania Republicans

The state’s GOP has taken a lot of hits over the last few years. A local Republican wonders if his party can adapt

By Guy Ciarrocchi