Topic: democracy

Ali Velshi On Losing Abortion Rights, Losing Gay Marriage
The MSNBC host and Citizen board member connects the dots between stripping women of bodily autonomy and stripping civil rights from LGBTQ+ Americans
By Ali Velshi
Hey Philly, Let’s Tell Bezos to Suck It
The Citizen is intensely hyperlocal. But attacks on Enlightenment values know no borders. Here, a way to stand against media surrender and get clearer on national affairs without regard to ideology
By Larry Platt
Can Worker Co-ops Fix Our Busted Democracy?
City Councilmember Nic O’Rourke wants Philly to promote more democratically-run businesses as a way out of today’s political and economic doldrums
By Malcolm Burnley
Who Will Protect You Now?
A former city worker was recently fired from the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which President Trump plans to shut down. That’s a win for scammers and price-gougers
By Nick Hand
How to Politically Engage when You Feel Like Shutting Down
Can “transformational advocacy” transform our politics — and ourselves? A longtime democracy activist lays out what’s needed
By Sam Daley-Harris
America, Failed Democracy?
The former Temple Law School Dean and longtime political advisor worries that it may be too late to save what is great about America. But persevere we must
By Carl Singley
Ali Velshi On Sending Active Troops to the Border
The MSNBC host and Citizen board member explains how Trump is justifying his immigration crackdown through manufactured fear and using the military in violation of federal law
By Ali Velshi
Want Your (Political) Independence?
Sorry, you can’t abandon the major parties — because Philly needs your primary vote. We also need open primaries. Here’s how that might actually happen
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Ali Velshi Asks Can Meta Ever Be Trusted?
The MSNBC host and Citizen board member speaks with two third-party fact-checkers formerly working with Meta about the real threats facing social media in this new era.
By Ali Velshi
Why I Won’t Celebrate MLK on January 20
A Kensington community leader refuses to share the Civil Rights icon’s celebration with an inauguration that validates the January 6, 2021 insurrection
By Dr. Bill McKinney