What Shapiro Got Right on College Degrees

The new governor eliminated the requirement of a four-year degree for most jobs in state government. A longtime university president explains why she applauds the decision

By Elaine Maimon

President Biden’s Higher Ed Transformation

A long-time college president says student debt forgiveness is a return to the idea of college as a public good — and recommends more ways to stop debt before it starts

By Elaine Maimon

The “Drexel Promise” Is Just The Start

A longtime college president applauds Drexel’s new tuition discount for community college transfers — and urges universities to do more to help underserved students attain their degrees

By Elaine Maimon

A New College Conundrum — How’s the Health Care?

A long-time college president advises students and families to give careful attention in this post-Roe era to health care — especially reproductive and mental health care — on campus

By Elaine Maimon

Why We Must Fight Classroom Censorship

A long-time college president recommends ways to affirm democracy — through libraries and schools — in these troubled times

By Elaine Maimon

How to Turn “Almost-Alums” into College Graduates

Small fees and outsized loans keep many students from graduating. A long-time university president urges colleges to find and support those almost-alums — and those who are still at school

By Elaine Maimon

Generation Change Philly: The College Funding Crusader

Laura Keane has dedicated her career to closing the gap between being accepted to college, and being a college graduate

By Christina Griffith

Ideas We Should Steal: Make College More Affordable

A longtime college president urges Pennsylvania to learn from states like Illinois and Louisiana, which are increasing college attendance by requiring high schoolers to submit a free student aid application

By Elaine Maimon

A Student Debt Forgiveness Proposal That’s Fair

Philly’s preeminent big picture thinker and apostle for growth is out with a new book that addresses how widespread debt forgiveness can save America—if it's done fairly.

By Richard Vague

Forgiving Student Loans… For Public Servants

Rather than canceling student debt for everyone, a longtime college president points to recently revised standards for college loan forgiveness that apply to teachers, police officers, firefighters and others in public service

By Elaine Maimon