Business for Good


Real estate entrepreneur Lisa Wise turns first-time Washington, D.C. homebuyers into homeowners with no-strings-attached microgrants — and plans to do the same in Philly

By Courtney DuChene

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Our first event in the series Business… for Good: Inclusive Growth and the American City explored a tangible fix to Philly’s stubborn poverty problem

Business for Good


The local fish subscription service started as a project at one South Philly high school. Now, it’s a burgeoning business with 300 customers citywide—and still run by the kids.

By Maddy Sweitzer-Lamme
Business for Good

Pound Cake

Camille Bell’s search for the perfect shade to “rock a red lip” prompted her to launch her own Philly-based lipstick brand tailored to every lip color. The first batch sold out in just 48 hours.

By Courtney DuChene
Business for Good


A lab accident inspired Beau Wangtrakuldee’s line of women-friendly personal protective equipment used by hospitals around the country. Covid-19 inspired a sustainable model that is also protecting the planet.

By Courtney DuChene
Business for Good


Queen Village resident Dana Donofree—one of Inc’s 2021 most inspiring female founders—has grown her line of “boob-inclusive” bras to 30,000 customers all over the world while helping raise awareness and support for breast cancer survivors

By Courtney DuChene
Business for Good

Journal My Health

Local tech guru Tracey Welson-Rossman had an idea for an app to help people with chronic illnesses track their symptoms back in 2009. The plight of Covid long-haulers prompted her to finally launch it this year

By Courtney DuChene
Business for Good

Baby Gear Group

Philly mom Bo Zhao's two-year-old business lets families lease baby gear, saving thousands of dollars and keeping used items out of the landfill

By Courtney DuChene
Business For Good

Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty

Could a locally-made line of toys be an antidote to the world’s problems?

By Jessica Blatt Press
Business for Good

Kári Skin

Tirzah Blair’s spa startup is built around a surprisingly rare notion in the beauty world: Taking the "mean girl" out of the business

By Christine Speer Lejeune