
Ali Velshi on Trump, The Wannabe One-Day Dictator

The MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member Ali Velshi says Trump's double-down on being dictator for a day is a blunt authoritarian threat

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on The Bell Jar

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member interviews Emily Van Duyne, Sylvia Plath expert and author of the upcoming book Loving Sylvia Plath

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on how LGBTQ+ Books Literally Save Lives

The MSNBC host talks with PFLAG CEO Brian Bond on the role LGBTQ+ books play in the community and the harm book bans are doing

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi on Trump’s Rhetoric and the Word “Vermin”

The MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member asks that we pay attention to Trump's rhetoric, which has moved from bizarre to dangerous

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club Revisits a Palestinian Jewish Love Story

The MSNBC host talks with All the Rivers author Dorit Rubinyan about love across boundaries and the aspiration to coexist

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on … Florida

The MSNBC host speaks with bestselling authors Michael Connelly and David Baldacci about why they're standing up against book banning in Florida

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on Texas Libraries

The MSNBC host invites Texas Library Association Executive Director Shirley Robinson to talk about the latest Texas house bill on book banning

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club with Jonathan Safran Foer

The MSNBC host joins the author to discuss the thought-provoking themes of great literature overlooked by those banning books over uncomfortable passages

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi On Why You Can’t be Pro-Worker if You’re Anti-Union

MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member points out the hypocrisy and misdirection of politicians who want it both ways

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on Anne Frank

The MSNBC host welcomes Israeli illustrator David Polonsky to discuss the universal experience of love, puberty, and the world's most famous child author

By Ali Velshi