Topic: Kenyatta Johnson

Is Another Trash Day Really The Best Way To Clean Philly?
The City is spending $11 million to test out a second trash day for parts of South Philly and Center City. Here, Philly's former Litter Czar offers (much) better ways to spend that money
By Nicolas Esposito
Can Kenyatta Johnson Be … Richard Nixon?
The twice tried and ultimately acquitted Council president has the unique opportunity to reform the scourge of councilmanic prerogative … and finally make us One City
By Larry Platt
Learning on the Job
Neither Mayor Parker, Council President Johnson nor Council Majority Leader Gilmore Richardson have CEO experience. How are they going to make the switch from legislating to leading?
By Larry Platt
The Dawn of the Kenyatta Era
Is the new president of Philadelphia City Council a new boss, or same as the old boss?
By Larry Platt
How To Respond to Public Corruption Charges
In L.A., allegations against a councilmember were met by his colleagues … doing the right thing. What a novel concept.
By Larry Platt
Who is Running for City Council in the May 2023 Primary?
We’ve got your list of incumbents and challengers for Philadelphia City Council right here.
By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff
2023 Philadelphia City Council Candidates’ Race for Money
As the pool of candidates for City Council balloons, Philly 3.0’s engagement director looks at how much candidates — both incumbent and prospective members — have raised
By Jon Geeting
Can We Just Rename Taney Street, Already?
A dedicated group of citizens has spent three years trying to change the name of the tiny Philadelphia street that honors a big non-Philadelphian racist. Why won’t their Councilmembers let it happen?
By Lauren McCutcheon
Philly Leaders — Be more like the Eagles … and the Phillies
Philadelphia's pro teams' success comes from honest teamwork ... How about some of that from City Hall? (Looking at you, Johnson and Parker.)
By Larry Platt
The High Cost of a Disengaged Mayor
Jim Kenney’s lackadaisical approach to his job is doing real damage to the City. Philly 3.0’s engagement editor games out what could happen if Kenney resigns now
By Jon Geeting