Topic: Jim Kenney

Hey, Big Spender
The mayor has increased the spending of your taxpayer dollars by a whopping 17 percent since taking office. What is our return on that investment?
By Larry Platt
Kenney’s Community Schools Gap
Following the Mayor’s comments in D.C. last week, WURD’s afternoon host notes that the community schools effort could be a delicious hoagie...once they put the meats in it
By Charles D. Ellison
Children’s Cabinet
Mayors around the country are launching city-wide efforts to get all stakeholders thinking about what’s best for kids. Can it work here?
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Talking ‘Bout A Revolution
Mayor Kenney’s dissolving of the SRC is an opportunity to take a page from Silicon Valley and radically rethink education.
By Ajay Raju
Clean our streets
A recent resident survey found that Philadelphians care about clean streets more than easy parking
By Jon Geeting
At What Price Soda Tax?
A recent TV investigative report of the city’s pre-K initiative raises questions about just what it means to be progressive in Philadelphia
By Larry Platt
Staying Ahead of Educational Tsunamis
A public school principal argues that real education reform requires measuring schools more broadly and fixing them more locally
By Hilderbrand Pelzer III
A WURD host notes the way media and politicians worry over violence—except when it’s in poor neighborhoods
By Charles D. Ellison
Crisis? What Crisis?
Mayor Kenney says his budget gets the pension fund 80 percent funded in 13 years. Does it?
By Larry Platt
Is Jim Kenney Becoming Donald Trump?
In defending his soda tax, the Mayor goes into all-out attack mode. Ring any bells?
By Larry Platt