Here at The Citizen, we do problem-solving journalism, looking for ideas and solutions to move the region forward and make a better city. Here are some other great ideas for solving the world’s problems, from media outlets around the globe:
Business-Driven Sustainability Will Change the World
Photo: Novozymes
More than 80 percent of S&P 500 companies now issue a corporate social responsibility or sustainability report, making sustainability in business mainstream. With socially-conscious companies, the world is ready to take on new innovations to fix many of the issues that surround us. One such company, Novozyme, helped their customers avoid 60 million tons of CO2 emissions in 2015 alone—and they have other massive efforts, lauded by the UN, in supporting sustainable food production and ensuring sustainable energy for all. (via Huffington Post)
We expel preschool kids three times as often as K-12 students. Here’s how to change that.
Photo: The Seattle Times
It’s safe to say we’ve all been bratty preschoolers once in our lives: Maybe some of us threw chairs or drew on our neighbor’s art project or bit our friend for taking our toy. This behavior, though, has caused preschoolers to be expelled at a rate three times that of elementary, middle, and high school age levels, with African American boys being at highest risk of getting kicked out. When kids this young lose their early education, they will continue these behaviors and lose out on important development. The fix? Providing teachers with access to a mental health professional. This causes expulsions for preschoolers to be cut by more than half. (via The Seattle Times)
An Unexpected Solution To Our Organ Donor Crisis
Photo: GOOD
There are more than 120,000 Americans waiting for an organ transplant—and each day, 22 of them will die before they receive the organ they need. It’s a fact: There simply aren’t enough organs to give to those who have failing ones, resulting in many deaths that would otherwise be preventable. Scientists are trying to answer to this in a way that may make you say “ick”: They’re changing the genes in pigs to grow human organs, which they can then harvest for human use. The government revoked this funding for testing last year, but researchers and students across the country and debating bioethics to get these studies back up and running—and hopefully save some lives. (via GOOD)