Citizen of the Week: Jordan Burnham
Turning a suicide attempt into a motivational story for audiences across the country.
New Blood: A Novel Idea…Someone On City Council Who Has Actually Run Something
Paul Steinke has managed organizations, including the Reading Terminal Market. Can someone with real world experience make a difference in Philadelphia politics?
Philly’s 13th Check
Thanks to a Jim Kenney bill, we’re paying out bonuses we can’t afford. Let the pandering begin.
Dreamers Welcome
Maybe New York and San Francisco aren’t the only places to be. Suddenly, a new clique of startups from around the country are moving to Philly—and staying
Citizen of the Week: Lauren Summers
A parent takes to Facebook to highlight neighborhood schools that work
We Need a Smart Charter Compromise
Here’s how we can approve high-quality charters without harming District schools
New Blood: Does the City Need a Coach?
In the fourth of an ongoing series, meet East Oak Lane’s Isaiah Thomas: A 30-year-old with a new way of thinking about leadership
Citizen of the Week: Jill Aschkenasy
A Main Line woman operates four pop-up shops that give away high-end clothes to needy women, men and children in a retail store setting.
The Crisis No One Is Talking About
Hey, next mayor: If we don’t fix the pension system, we betray both retirees and residents