
52 Small Ways To Make A Better Philly

Do one thing a week that makes you a better citizen of your city. Here, some ideas to get you started

Listen: Ali Velshi on What It’s A Wonderful Life could Teach the Next Trump Administration

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member on one way the new President could avoid economic disaster

Ideas We Should Steal: A One-Stop Shop for Addiction Recovery

“Health hubs” in Washington state are dramatically reducing opioid addiction among patients. Could a similar model work in Philly and around the country?

How Is Mayor Parker Spending Your Money?

In partnership with Committee of Seventy, we’ve created a visual representation of the per-resident cost of the City's budget — and how it has changed from last year

76 Place: Love Thy Neighbor? Not Thy Sixers.

A guest commentary from a prominent Philadelphia Black pastor on why he and some other faith leaders oppose the plan to put an arena in Market East

76 Place: Philadelphia is Open for Business

Guest Commentary from the head of the Building Industry Association on why he applauds City Council for approving the new Sixers arena

76 Place: The New Sixers Arena is a Boon For SEPTA

Philadelphia 3.0’s engagement director offers a guest commentary on one reason urbanists should applaud the Sixers' new Center City arena

Civility? In Politics? … Now?

This week, Brendan Boyle was honored for his civility — while passing bipartisan legislation. Can the 47-year-old five-term congressman offer an object lesson for how we can get back to common purpose? Or is he the last of a dying breed?

76 Place: What Does Great City Planning Look Like?

It’s a process that puts the city and citizens first — unlike, according to urban planner Harris Steinberg of the Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation, what happened with 76 Place, the proposed Sixers arena.

Guest Commentary: A Conversation with RFK Jr.

Twenty years ago, CHOP’s renowned vaccinologist talked about vaccine safety with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump's nominee to lead Health and Human Services. It’s time to set the record straight about what Offit really said